Hah, nice job!
Yeah, good you finished this one! We all have, afterall, been waiting for this in 3 years! :D
I hope you'll keep up and let Joe Zombie Episode 7 peek out from the corner.
One of the things I really admire about your animation are, the camera angles. Jesus, I have never seen so good camera angles in any stick death movie! Then, - and this is one of my favorites, the small detail as, the pupils is moving around in the eyes, so that the one watching the movie, nearly can follow the stick's thoughts.
Also, voice actors. I still remember when you used . . was it speakonia? Hah, the voice actors you use, are very talented, you self, too. Yes! The story! Hell, nice story - and nice story twist here. It's very original :D Hmm, hmm, What do i more have? Oh yeah, you do certainly know how to build up an atmosphere. The music, the voices, the camera angles, the stick's body language, etc.
I don't know why pple say like: "Oh my fuck! The animation suxxors!! why are teh stiks drawn so badd??+?"
I mean, it's a style. If pple can't accept a style, then they can go to hell. I must admit though, I like your style but, I would never use it myself. Now, i think I'm done here. =)
Keep up the work with Joe Zombie and - Of course, you guys at Explosm, don't even think about quitting C&H! (Even though I don't think you will ;)